Well ladies and gentleman it looks like Chris Brown won't get any jail time unfortunately. Chris, who beat up his then girlfriend Rihanna on Feb 8, 2009, will have to serve 5 years of probation, six months of community service, and stay away from her for 5 years! I personally believe Chris should have received at least 5 days in the slammer. I mean, how can you not only hit a woman once, but take it to the extreme by doing it multiple times? Its been documented that Chris choked Rihanna,punched her, slammed her head against the window, and even bit both her arms and her leg!....And all this isn't even the first domestic issue with these two! Reportedly 3 months ago Rihanna slapped Chris and he then shoved her into a wall. Idk whats going on with the young people today!....As little as 3 weeks before his February arrest he and her got into an argument in his car in Barbados and broke the driver and passenger side windows! WTF??? Chris, you need some help. I hope you don't take your sentence lightly because, you will end up in PRISON...and trust me, the inmates wouldn't want a young rich punk in there!
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