Last week was the premier of the second season of "Real Chance of Love"...Bachelors Real & Chance are back to find the woman of their dreams. The previous season ended in Chance not finding anyone to love and his brother Real breaking up with "Cornfed" from North Dakota. Both brothers are rather attractive. Real has long flowing hair that is way longer than mine, he is very caring, sensitive and seems to wear his heart on his shoulder. However, his brother Chance is outgoing, highsprung and just plain old crazy! This boy knows how to get loud and to get a crowd going. He's the taller brother with the gap in his two front teeth....I myself, think he hides his caring soul behind his flashy outfits and frantic outbursts for what I believe is attention. The girls in this season are still crazy as ever...One girl (whose name I don't remember) is very orange and tough talking! She gets into a fight with "Vegas" over trash talking.....according to her .."This is how we do in Kansas City"....comeon now girl...If you really went to the hood you wouldn't last a minute....What you need to do is go down to Florida and sit your behind down....go and mingle with the Orange Trees....Have a blast! Check out the show "Real Chance of Love 2" on Monday Nights
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